But secretly, she is also teen pop sensation hannah montana, and the only people who know besides her family are her best friends, lilly and oliver for its fourth and final season, the show was retooled and rebranded as hannah montana forever. Hannah montana 20062011 is about a teenager named miley stewart played by miley cyrus who seems like an ordinary girl to the kids at her school. It is the second theatrical feature film based on a disney channel original series. When miley gets too caught up in the celebrity lifestyle, her dad decides its time to trade in the glitz and glamour of hollywood for some blue jeans on the family farm in tennessee. She likes you and you like her, why do you have to. Robby has a love interest, lorelai, played by melora hardin, and miley develops a deep connection with a childhood friend travis brody, played by lucas till, after he helps her with riding her old horse, blue jeans.
The movie seems aware of what it must do from its start, which is to translate an inane thirdseason sitcom into a respectable piece of family entertainment. An archive of our own, a project of the organization for transformative works. The movie is a 2009 american teen comedydrama film based on the disney channel television series of the same name. The movie is a film adaptation of hannah montana that was released in theaters. Become a new patron of my epic video content via patreon. As hannah montanas popularity begins to take over her life, miley. Hannah montana the movie 2009 works archive of our own. Thanks to a cast of veteran supporting actors like williams, martindale, and melora hardin as robby rays potential love interest, lorelai, the cyruses and their tv crew are in good company on the big screen. Exclude ratings general audiences 1 exclude warnings no archive warnings apply 1 exclude categories ff 1 exclude fandoms hannah montana tv 1 hannah montana the movie 2009 1. The movie is a 2009 american musical comedydrama film based on the disney channel original series hannah montana, which was released on april 10, 2009, by walt disney pictures. The movie is a 2009 musical comedydrama film based.
Youre the one that promised lorelai that hannah would be the guest of honor at the mayors lobster hoohah tonight. Find the exact moment in a tv show, movie, or music video you want to share. It was originally planned for release on may 1, 2009, but the date was bumped early to april 10, 2009 into the united states and released on may 1, 2009 in united kingdom. Miley kisses travis and then returns to the stage to finish with the song youll always find your way back home. As hannah montanas popularity begins to take over her life, miley stewart, on the urging from her father takes a trip to her hometown of crowley corners, tennessee to get some perspective on what matters in. It was a difficult task because im quite easily amused. With miley cyrus, emily osment, billy ray cyrus, jason earles. So her father takes the teen home to crowley corners, tennessee, for a dose of reality, kicking off a funfilled adventure. Hannah montana the movie butterfly fly away dvd version duration. A volleyball hits miley in the face, knocking her to the floor. This video reveals what happens when miley speaks with lorelai in the hannah montana the movie video game. The film was directed by peter chelsom with screenplay penned by daniel berendsen. The films hindi dub has an inconsistency in comparison towards the dubbed version of the tv series, that the movie is based on. Hannah montana the movie film miley stewart struggles to juggle school, friends, and her secret popstar persona.
Miley spends time with lily, who has arrived along with hannah montanas band and crew, and the two make up. As hannah montana s popularity begins to take over her life, miley stewart, on the urging from her father takes a trip to her hometown of crowley corners, tennessee to get some perspective on what matters in life the most. Miley has already been invited to dinner with the mayor by lorelai. When hannah montanas soaring popularity threatens to take over her lifeshe just might let it. The movie yarn is the best way to find video clips by quote. A security guard at hannahs concert trips over some water jugs spilled on the floor. The shortcuts and sloppiness that are at home on the disney channel wont really fly being blown up to a 3story screen. The second theatrical film based on a disney channel original series, after the lizzie mcguire movie 2003, it was directed by peter chelsom and written by daniel. Travis suggests that hannah montana should appear to play a special gig, seeing that miley knows her miley had lied to travis that she saved hannahs life in a surfing accidentas a way to save the meadows from being ruin for construction. Hannah montana the movie miley and the chickens youtube. Here are some scenes from the movie walt disney pictures takes the disney. In the 2016 movie watching challenge i was supposed to find a movie that is boring based on its description. Find low everyday prices and buy online for delivery or instore pickup.
It is the second theatrical film based on a disney channel original series, after the lizzie mcguire movie 2003, it was directed by peter chelsom and written by daniel berendsen. The movie is a film adaptation of hannah montana that was. The movie taylor swift crazier hdhq scene duration. Get ready to be dazzled by disneys bigscreen smash hit hannah montana the movie filled with laughs, adventure, family fun and fabulous music. The movie is a 2009 american teen musical comedydrama film based on the disney channel television series of the same name.
The movie is 2009 musical comedydrama based on the disney channel television series, hannah montana. At one time he once had a dream to be a rock star like his younger brother but never accomplished it. The movie is an american 2009 musical comedydrama film based on the disney channel original series hannah montana, which was released on april 10, 2009, by walt disney pictures. Hannah montana the movie comes out this april 10th. Robby has a love interest, lorelai, played by melora hardin, and miley.
She says that any movie scenes where he is shirtless is where she runs the movie in slowmotion. Its available to watch on tv, online, tablets, phone. I really think hannah montana had some slight potential to be more than just a lovefest for its fans. Hannah and tyra banks struggle over a pair of shoes in a shoe store. In order to help miley keep her secret, lilly attends all hannah montana events wearing a disguise and posing as hannahs companion and assistant lola luftnagle. From the back cover description of hannah montana the movie. The movie should leave tween fans feeling like theyve gotten the best of, well, both worlds. The movie even if you live in a cave or loathe little girls, youve probably heard of hannah montana. Hannah bumps her head while scurrying under a concert stage. And yes, youre going to sit here and watch it with me. Travis suggests that hannah montana should appear to play a special gig, seeing that miley knows her miley had lied to travis that she saved hannah s life in a surfing accidentas a way to save the meadows from being ruin for construction. When hannahs soaring popularity threatens to take over mileys life, her dad billy ray cyrus steps in to give the teen a reality check. Earl stewart also known as uncle earl is robbys older brother, mamaws son, susan stewarts brotherinlaw, and jackson, miley and luanns paternal uncle.
After three seasons, the hannah montana franchise had gotten so popular that in 2009, they released a whole featurelength movie based on the show. Back home in the tennessee town of crowley corners, miley embarks on an exciting adventure. What happens revealed when miley speaks with lorelai in. Als hannah montanas populariteit stijgt, keert miley stewart terug naar haar geboorteplaats om erachter te komen wat echt belangrijk is in het leven. The movie is a crescendo for the hannah montana industry that has made it possible for kids to wake in the morning in their hm pajamas under their hannah blankets and go through the day surrounded. Lorelaimiley stewart hannah montana 1 include additional tags other tags to include exclude. Miley cyrus hannah jason earles jackson emily osment lilly melora hardin lorelai miley cyrus miley. Like many teenagers, miley stewart miley cyrus juggles family, friends and school, but unlike her peers, she has a secret popstar persona called hannah montana. The film stars series regulars miley cyrus, billy ray cyrus, emily osment and. The movie 2009 cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.
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